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Despite the almost inevitable longueurs, not to mention mumbling melancholy offscreen comments that sometimes verge on the self-parodic, this is certainly a superior Sokurov feature, and not only for its extraordinarily virtuoso mise-en-scène. Digitally shot in a single continuous take, it wanders around St Petersburg's Hermitage, taking in the building, its furnishings and objets d'art, and a host of characters, historical and contemporary, both named (Peter the Great, Catherine the Great, Nicholas, Alexandra, Anastasia) and anonymous, while pondering the Russian soul and its ambivalent relationship with Europe. As the unseen film-maker and a 19th century French diplomat guide us on our journey through space and time, it's hard not to be distracted by thoughts of how it was all choreographed, but a magnificent ball scene and the final poignant departure manage to work their magic.
Release Details
Duration:99 mins
Cast and crew
Director:Alexander Sokurov
Screenwriter:Anatoli Nikiforov, Alexander Sokurov, dialogues Boris Khaimsky, Svetlana Proskurina
Sergey Dreiden
Maria Kuznetsova
Leonid Mozgovoy
David Giorgobiani
Alexander Chaban
Maxim Sergeyev
Natalia Nikulenko
Anna Aleksahina
Vladimir Baranov
Boris Smolkin
Alexander Sokurov
Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.
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