
Do Europeans drink water? A TikTok investigation

Euro Summer is in full swing, but the Americans are getting thirsty. Why won’t anyone in Europe give them a goddamn glass of water?

Ella Doyle
Grace Beard
Written by
Ella Doyle
Grace Beard
Water is poured from a bottle against the European Union flag
Image: Time Out/Shutterstock

So, it’s officially Euro Summer. And if you don’t know what that means, well, we don’t blame you. It’s not entirely clear. But all the Americans are doing it on TikTok (the hashtag alone has nearly 700m views), and ‘Europecore’ is now its own category on Depop (it features cowboy boots, Nike t-shirts and long jean shorts, obviously).

Essentially, young Americans travel to unspecified countries in Europe, and post about it on TikTok. And thus their Euro Summer commences.

But quickly, Euro Summer turned from a highly-anticipated travel opportunity into hurtling controversy. Americans discovered that ‘Europe’ (exact location still unclear) ain’t all sunshine and roses. And onto our TikTok ‘for you’ pages tumbled a series of American bugbears: Europeans don’t eat vegetables. Europeans charge you for the toilet. European train stations smell bad. 

The most controversial of all? That Europeans don’t drink water. Apparently. 

But is it true? Do Europeans simply not drink water? And if so, how do they survive? There was only one way to find out. We’ve asked Time Out editors in Barcelona, Madrid and Paris the big question. Do you drink water, or not?

First thing’s first: Do Europeans drink water?

María José Gómez, Time Out Barcelona: ‘Many tourists act as if they don't know that people from Barcelona are actually living beings, but, certainly, we are, so if we don't drink water, we die.

‘To fulfill this biological need, many of us have a reusable bottle in our bag that we refill frequently.’

Marta Mac, Time Out Madrid: ‘Of course we do. In fact, we drink a lot of water right now with temperatures above 38C. Maybe not as much as beer, but, you know…’

Antoine Besse, Time Out Paris:Yeah we drink water, but mainly to top up pastis glasses (a type of French apéritif). And I think ice cubes in cocktails are made of frozen water (to be confirmed).’

Why do people on TikTok think you don’t drink water?

María: ‘First of all, it could be true that we don't drink as much water as Americans (as far as I've seen on TikTok). I mean, we don't have a Stanley cup with ice-cold water on our nightstand.

‘Also, when we go to a restaurant, we almost never order water. Beer, yes; wine, sure; but water is not usual, and in the United States, it's like the first thing they serve you before ordering a soft drink with a lot of ice.’

Antoine: ‘I understand they believe that nonsense from the ‘lack’ of plastic bottles in garbage cans. So in France we don't drink mineral water but municipal (tap) water. It’s good for the planet.’

Marta: ‘No idea. When they say Europeans, which region or country are they talking about?’

Lastly… ice or no ice?

María: ‘In Spain, there are quite a few people who prefer water at room temperature. The fact is, although it may seem otherwise, it is much more refreshing than icy water, due to the change in body temperature.’

Marta: ‘If you ordered a bottle of water at a restaurant, it would probably be refrigerated. So that's cold enough for us.’

Antoine:It's not THAT hot in here. Yet.’

Well, that’s that then. Europeans do drink water, but not like the Americans do. So if you’re heading off on your Euro Summer from overseas, consider bringing your Stanley Cup along. This stuff is room temp (and you’ll probably have to ask for it). Just make sure you check where you’re flying to: Europe is a pretty big continent. 

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