
This map shows how you can travel all the way from Portugal to Singapore by train

The route connects Paris, Moscow, Beijing and Bangkok, making it the longest rail journey in the world

Sophie Dickinson
Written by
Sophie Dickinson
Freelance contributor

Really love trains? Well, we’ve got good news: you can now travel all the way from Portugal to Singapore by railway. Yes, all the way. That’s quite the journey.

You won’t be surprised to find out that this 11,654-mile trip – the new longest rail journey on the planet – takes a whopping 21 days to complete. And also that you will have to change services... quite a few times. Luckily, a genius on Reddit with the username htGoSEVe has mapped it all out for us.

Starting in Lagos in Portugal, the trip will involve switching trains in places like Paris, Moscow, Beijing and Bangkok. Big gap-yah energy. But if you’ve got a long-awaited chunk of time off on the cards, a few days in each of those cities sounds like a great way to spend it. Gap yah? More like gap yeaah.

The journey only recently became the longest rail trip on the planet thanks to a new 260-mile line between Laos and China. From China’s Mohan station (in Yunnan), travellers will then be able to make it down to Singapore on a different train.

The previous longest rail journey in the world was thought to be an epic trip from London to Singapore – at least, according to train blogger The Man in Seat 61 – and involved taking the Trans-Siberian Express across Russia. However, this new route beats it by a good thousand miles. 

Now discover five brand-new train routes that could revolutionise European rail travel – and the 11 most incredible railway journeys in the world according to us.

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