
Monet for nothing : Airbnb vous invite à passer la nuit au musée d’Orsay pour l’ouverture des JO

Alix Leridon
Écrit par
Alix Leridon
Journaliste, Time Out Paris
Chambre de l'Horloge
© Frederik Vercruysse

Big winner of the Games before they even started, the AibBnb platform (Olympic partner) is planning some 130,000 rental ads for the period, at prices doubled (if not more). The last one is a little more dreamy than your 13m2 with a view of the garbage room, since it is… the Orsay Museum . The plan ? One night for two, completely free, on the evening of the opening ceremony of the Games, next Friday July 26, in the legendary Salon de l'Horloge, on the 5th floor of the museum, transformed into a “clock room” by designer Matthieu Lehanneur, designer of the Olympic torch and its cauldron. Included in the experience is a private tour of the museum followed by a gourmet dinner. To watch the opening ceremony without having to mingle with the crowd (clearly something to be fooled by), guests will be able to enjoy the museum's panoramic terrace, overlooking the Seine. 

To be there, go to the platform on May 21 . A small number of potential winners will be drawn at random and will then have to send a cover letter (yes yes) to Airbnb, which will choose the winning duo. As Pierre de Coubertin said: “good luck”.

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